5 Reasons To Consider Brushing Your Cat
It’s widely known that cats usually do a good job grooming themselves, which leads some people to wonder if they should brush their cats. However, even if your cat is great at keeping up with his hygiene, it’s still important to brush your cat. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider brushing your cat.
1. Brushing Will Help Keep The Hair Under Control
All cats that have hair are going to shed. The amount of hair will vary per cat and by season but you should expect cat hair on pretty much everything when you have a cat. Brushing will collect and eliminate a good amount of the loose hairs that would otherwise be flying around. This is good news for you as well as your belongings!
2. Brushing Your Cat Will Reduce Hairballs.
Cats will sometimes struggle to cough up hairballs which no cat parent enjoys watching. Furthermore, nothing wakes up a cat person faster than a cat coughing up a hairball at the foot of the bed at 3 am. Hairballs happen when cats ingest hair during the grooming process. So, if you remove some of the hair by brushing then your cat will have fewer hairballs.
3. Brushing Gives You A Chance To Do A Health Check
It can be tough to do a health check on cats that aren’t used to being handled. If this sounds like your cat, try to get your cat used to being brushed. Let your cat get used to the brush and see and smell it as much as they want before approaching them with it. Eventually, your cats may love being brushed. If they don’t get used to it you can always try another kind of brush. Once you’re able to brush your cat, you can use this time to check for bumps, scratches, tender areas, or anything abnormal.
4. Brushing Is Even More Important As Cats Age
Younger cats are often more efficient at grooming themselves than older cats are for a handful of reasons. Cats rely on their flexibility, sense of smell, and eyesight when grooming which can deteriorate as they age. So, getting your cat used to being brushed at a young age will make it easier to continue the habit as they age.
Related: Health Benefits of Owning A Cat
5. Brushing Is A Great Way To Bond
Once your cat is comfortable with being brushed it can be a pleasant experience for the both of you. Brushing feels great for most cats and they often bond with other cats in this way. So, you and your cat can spend some quality time together while also making sure your cat is well-groomed. Your cat may even try to groom you as well with a few licks.
Brushing Can Be Great For Both You & Your Cat
Brushing can have positive effects on their physical health as well as their mental health. So, consider doing some research and finding a brush for cats that you think your cats would like. You can also give treats at the end of each brushing session to ensure that it is a positive experience that you can continue throughout their life.