About Us
Living in a small apartment in Englewood, NJ, 5 miles away from NYC, we were frustrated with current cat products on the market. These “cat tree” designs were unnecessarily awkward and very unattractive. The dilemma presented itself: how can Kerpal’s need to climb and scratch co-exist with our need for a nice-looking home. The solution: design cat furniture with both the cat and the cat owner’s needs in mind. Assuming others were facing a similar dilemma, The Refined Feline was born. The goal: to create a line of products that are affordable, easy to maintain, and fun for cats, in addition to being customizable to easily blend into any home’s decor.
Designers of Modern Cat Furniture
The Lotus Cat Tower was our first product, then came the Refined Litter Box. As we met and shared stories with cat owners, new problems presented themselves. How can we convince our cats to stop climbing over our keyboards? How can we provide a place to perch without taking up valuable floor space? We went to work and solved these issues with the Kitt-In Box and the Cat Clouds Cat Shelf, respectively. Over the years we’ve introduced more and more products for both cats and cat lovers to enjoy. By meeting face to face with cat owners and surveying 1,000’s moreover the internet, we innovate to developing products to satisfy our pet’s needs as well as make living with them a bit easier for us. Kerpal is no longer with us but our time with him inspires all of our products. Now, The Refined Feline continues to offer a range of modern cat trees, cat wall shelves, litter box enclosures, and more. The designs have stayed true to our core values, they meet all of a cat’s needs as well as look great in your home.